Let's face it, X-Shot is absolutely KILLING it this year. With their first few entries into the gel blaster market, they've come out with arguably the best gel offering of the year with their Remington ACR inspired X-Shot Hyper Gel HPG-700. It comes with a motorized 700 pellet capacity magazine, a detachable shoulder stock, 20,000 Hyper Gel pellets, the rechargeable battery, and a pair of safety glasses. Oh and a Select-Fire switch. Yeah, this thing can switch between full or semi-auto with the flick of your wrist. Amazing aesthetics aside, the HPG-700 performs well, too, shooting gel balls at up to 200 FPS. Does it get any better than this?
If you love the Nerf Motoblitz (and you should), but you don't love the paintjob -- don't worry. You can just buy a custom hand-painted Nerf Motoblitz online. Delete the bright teal coloring on the Motoblitz and get a bit more tacti-cool.
The Spring Thunder is a pump-action springer shotgun blaster with real working shell-ejection that operates just like the real thing! This special edition "Coop Model" is done up in colors that the Nerf Wizard himself would appreciate.
Nerf YouTuber Coop772 was one of the first Nerf modders to create a Rapidpistol, which was a minimized Rapidstrike mod. By cutting off the barrel and stock, Coop created a Nerf Uzi - and now this classic Nerf gun mod can be yours! #tactics
The Shellington Flypoint Blaster is 100% the Nerf gun version of the Kap 45 from Call of Duty Black Ops 4 and I absolutely love it! It's a magazine fed semi-auto shell ejecting Nerf pistol with realistic full-blowback action! Outstanding!
The Dart Zone Pro Series MK-2 is a high performance half-length dart gun that uses an internal magazine. It resembles the RK5 pistol from Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. This short-dart pistol packs a super punch, firing at over 130 FPS.
Third party Nerf darts have always been the go-to for any economical Nerf Warrior. Nerf branded Nerf darts are usually much more expensive than third party ones and, at the very worst, will be at least on par with the Nerf darts. Since you'...
The Nerf LMTD Aliens M41-A Pulse Blaster is the greatest movie crossover Nerf blaster of all time! This Nerf gun features the iconic looks and even the sounds of the real thing. Note: The "LMTD" definitely stands for "Limited," so don't wait!
The Dart Zone Omnia Pro is a high performance, flywheel powered, rechargeable battery operated, half-length dart blaster with a select-fire switch to alternate between semi-auto, burst, or full automatic foam flinging, all at over 150 FPS!
The Rail Cleaner Shotgun is one of the beefiest, chonkiest 3D printed Nerf blasters ever created. It is a flywheel powered shotgun blaster with a rotating cylinder that holds 6 shells with 4 darts in each cylinder for a 24 dart capacity.