Back in 2014, a now defunct website named ThinkGeek pranked the whole Nerf Internet Community at once. For their April Fools joke that year, they designed a semi-functional Nerf Nuke warhead, complete with a powered launcher. A Nerf MOAB, if you will, that would put an end to any Nerf War, once and for all. They had a whole article and video demonstration and everything. It was great. You can check my coverage on the article over on my blog, here: Nerf Nuke - The #1 Most Powerful Nerf Weapon On Earth!
But be warned: The link to this product is a digital 3D print file only. Besides printing out the 3D printed parts yourself, you will need to source out some of the other components yourself. This includes a CO2 canister to power the thing. It looks like the seller of these digital files still hasn't perfected the Nerf Nuke, so some caution is advised. If all you want is a prop, these files will serve you perfectly. However, if you want a fully functional Nerf Nuke like in the videos, you'll have to do some tinkering/engineering yourself to get this to work perfectly.
Once again, all of the hardware you'll need is not included and must be purchased separately. An easy trip to Home Depot should do the trick, so don't fret. That's the easy part. Putting everything together and doing the extra modifications required for this Nerf Nuke to work will be the tricky part. Are you up for the challenge? I know you are. So grab a Dremel and a hot glue gun and let's get this party started!
This is all by the original creator of the Nerf Nuke and so the design of the 3D print will be perfect. He's also got an Instructables up to go over how to assemble everything and what materials to use. He even goes over ideas for making it fully functional. Check it out here: Nerf Nuke Instructables Guide.
This Land Warrior Kids Blaster is a third party knockoff Nerf gun. It's a spring powered pistol with a top slide prime that uses a 12 round side-loading dart clip. But what it really is, is a Captain America themed Nerf Rival Kronos clone.
The Nerf Rampage Inline Clip Kit Mk1 or "RICK.1" is a super cool mod kit for the Nerf Elite Rampage that utilizes the included 3D printed parts to transform your Rampage into a more realistic, breech-loading inline clip Nerf shotgun.
This Nerf Frag Grenade can hold about a dozen cut down Nerf darts or up to 6 Nerf Rival rounds. Load it up, pull the pin and toss it into your enemy's basecamp. Kaboom! They'll be sprayed with a shower of foam and tagged, over and out.
These Fast Draw Drop Leg Holsters for the Nerf Stryfe blaster are absolutely flawless! Made by longtime Nerf modder extraordinaire 3DPrintedSolid, these drop leg holsters are a perfect fit and make for a fast draw every single time.
These are akin to a "forbidden jutsu" in the Nerf world. These are not foam, these are hard plastic pointed tips for Nerf Darts. Ouch. I put these here to satisfy your curiosity, but never shoot these at people, people. Balloons, though..
This orange, injection molded ABS Kriss Vector Mod Kit from Worker turns your Nerf Stryfe into the iconic Kriss Vector submachine gun. Yes, the very same one that keeps melting you in Call of Duty/Warzone around every corner.
Let them know you are NOT the target with this funny Nerf themed birthday shirt for parents. Pick your style and select your size, then add your personalization -- which can be anything from "Mom" to "Dad" to "Big Sis" or whatever you want.
Turn your Nerf Rampage into a Franchi Spas-12 Shotgun. Whether you’re a fan of real steel firearms, or you used to be a huge Call of Duty junkie, you’ve got to admit… This is the coolest cosmetic mod kit available for the Nerf Rampage.
The Shellington Flypoint Blaster is 100% the Nerf gun version of the Kap 45 from Call of Duty Black Ops 4 and I absolutely love it! It's a magazine fed semi-auto shell ejecting Nerf pistol with realistic full-blowback action! Outstanding!