Nerf Zombie Strike is the line of Nerf guns where you can find some of the most inventive, or dare I say "janky," creations ever. Meet the Nerf Zombie Strike Nailbiter, which is a Nerf nail gun under the Zombie Strike Survival System of blasters. This is where they imagine Nerfers were really in the Zombie Apocalypse and had to scramble together and put together tools and weapons out of whatever they could find. I dig it. So this Nerf Nailbiter is a fast firing, no priming toy nail gun with an 8-dart indexing clip. That means it moves up through the blaster as you shoot. When I heard it didn't require a prime, I thought it was a Magstrike re-shell and got overly excited. Turns out it's more like the Nerf Alien Menace Voidcaster. Also, while killing zombies with power tools isn't extremely cool, the nail gun was also introduced to Call of Duty/Warzone recently, and I'm a sucker for Nerf guns that remind me of my favorite video game.
The Nerf Grease Goose is a 3D printed, fully automatic, half-length foam dart blaster that was built on the FlyCore blaster framework and is heavily inspired by the real steel World War II era M3 Grease Gun (as seen in Call of Duty WW2).
The Rekt OpFour CO2 Powered Foam Dart Launcher is an off-brand semi-auto Nerf gun that highly resembles an M4 carbine, both in shape and size. The OpFour is powered by double 12g CO2 cartridges, which are loaded into the buffer tube stock.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if a Nerf Stryfe and the Nerf Rhino-Fire had a baby? The Nerf Elite 2.0 Double Punch is here to answer that question. It operates just like a Stryfe, but with double the barrels and double the mags.
The Nerf Star Wars Cassian Andor Blaster is based on the A280-CFE blaster rifle that Captain Andor uses in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. It's a Nerf Stryfe re-shell with flashy lights, cool sounds, and an epic set of Nerf gun attachments.
Want to keep up with the hard hitting, heavily modded Nerf guns at the next Nerf War, but aren't into modding? Get the MK 1.2 from Dart Zone's Pro Series of foam dart guns. This thing hits harder and shoots further than any stock Nerf gun.
If you know any Nerfers that also play Overwatch, this might be the perfect gift. This Rival series Nerf gun features a breech-loaded internal magazine with a 3-round capacity and styling that resembles D'Va's signature weapon from the game.
Coop772 is selling another Nerf gun on eBay and this time it's a custom painted Dart Zone Max Tomcat! This blaster is just an aesthetic mod, meaning Coop just threw on his signature sponge patterned paintjob and called it a day. Ends soon!
As one of the least insane of the new X-Shot Insanity series blasters, the bolt-action Berzerko still manages to come across as more than a little crazy, with an 8-dart rapid-fire cylinder and ammo holders galore- It's time to go berzerk!
Who shot first? It will ALWAYS be you with the Meowser DL-44. This 3D printed replica of Han Solo's Star Wars blaster is built upon OFD's FlyCore tech, shooting half-length darts in full auto fire modes at speeds of up to 50DPS+200 FPS.