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This unofficial RK5 looking Nerf gun pistol is a knockoff of the Dart Zone MK-2. They both operate in the same way, with 6-dart stripper clip speed loading through the top after you pull back the slide. The darts are loaded into the grip of the pistol,  The only difference is the paint job and the price, which is considerably cheaper. Performance is lower, too, but I'm sure it's nothing you can't fix with a simple mod or two. The Topsolid M5 K-II pistol comes with 2 stripper clips/speed loaders and 60 half-length Nerf darts. For some reason, they also note in the listing that it does indeed come with a box. Just in case you were wondering. 

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

Nerf UMP45 Submachine Gun

This off-brand Nerf gun is a UMP45 lookalike, sure. But it's also a high performance, spring powered, mag fed dart gun with a pump action grip. It includes a 15 dart magazine, abs flip sights, optic attachment, and 100 custom foam darts.


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Custom Cel Shaded PDKFilms...

This modified toy foam blaster from YouTube channel Battle Squad/PDKFilms is a highly modded and custom painted Nerf Rayven that was used in their YouTube videos. The internals have also been lightly modified so now, "it absolutely rips."


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X-Shot INSANITY Rage Fire

X-Shot has released a new line of dart blasters that take their name very literally. They've released a belt-fed foam dart Minigun with a scope, 360 degree tripod, full automatic firing and a 40 round capacity. The Rage Fire is... Insanity!


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Nerf Pro Gelfire Legion

Nerf hit the ground running with their rapidly growing line of "Orbeez" shooting gel blasters. The Gelfire Legion is the first spring-action blaster in the lineup, but it's no slouch. It features a 130 round hopper and even has Slam-Fire!


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Nerf Elite 2.0 Stormcharge

The Nerf Elite 2.0 Stormcharge is a brand new semi-auto flywheel Nerf gun. It includes a short barrel attachment and a baby stock in the back. The Stormcharge also looks exactly like the Nerf Rapidpistol that Nerf modders made years ago.


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D-Dart Pro Wrist Blaster N...

The D-Dart Pro Blaster is like a Nerf Gun that goes around your wrists. Light and compact, the D-Dart Pro can shoot 27 darts in less than a second. It's the coolest and possibly quickest Nerf gun you'll see today. Grab 2 to dual wield!


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TASKQWIK Fully Motorized B...

This 3rd party Nerf-inspired blaster is based on the good ol Nerf Modulus. Luckily, the Modulus is an excellent blaster. My experience with blasters like these has always been very positive. More powerful with less resistance.


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Nerf Worker AK Style Shoul...

The Nerf compatible Worker shoulder stock has been a staple in the aftermarket Nerf attachment community. A near perfect size for teen aged and older Nerfers, the Nerf Worker stock has come in clutch when the official Nerf offering has come...


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Nerf Pro Stryfe X

NERF has finally joined the Pro Blaster scene, for real! Meet the Nerf Pro Stryfe X, a semi-auto, half-dart only, Talon-mag compatible 150fps flywheel blaster powered by an included 3S LiPo! And it comes with 30 AccuStrike Pro darts!


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