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This Star Wars Nerf gun is called "The Mandalorian Dart Blaster," but it's really based off of the NN-14 blaster pistol that the Rey uses in Star Wars The Force Awakens. Han Solo gives it to her at some point in that film and she uses it to try to shoot Kylo Ren in the face later on in that movie. Lol. It's not the pistol used by The Mandalorian, but it has a sick paint job of him on both sides, so we'll let this one slide, maybe?

Speaking of slides, the Star Wars The Mandalorian dart blaster features a top priming slide that you use to cock the blaster. If you just cock it back and leave it open, you can look down into the internal 4-dart magazine. This is where you'll insert up to 4 Nerf Elite darts. After you're done, close the slide and fire. To fire repeat shots, rack the slide backwards and forwards again and then pull the trigger.

The NERF Star Wars The Mandalorian dart blaster comes with the blaster itself in a paint frame looking box (just like the recent TMNT blaster), 12 Elite darts, and they even list that it comes with the internal mag... but I mean that's a part of the blaster, you can't take that out, so of course it comes with it! Sheesh. Pretty sweet blaster, though, great for Star Wars fans.

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

NERF LMTD Magic: The Gathe...

The NERF LMTD Lightning Lair is a Magic: The Gathering Secret Lair blaster that includes 6 darts, 2 shells, and 2 MTG trading cards! The Lightning Lair is a spring powered, shell-fed, triple shot shotgun pistol based on the Nerf Shellstrike.


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The Nerf LMTD Aliens M41-A Pulse Blaster is the greatest movie crossover Nerf blaster of all time! This Nerf gun features the iconic looks and even the sounds of the real thing. Note: The "LMTD" definitely stands for "Limited," so don't wait!


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Coop772's Nerf Rapidstrike...

Nerf YouTuber Coop772 was one of the first Nerf modders to create a Rapidpistol, which was a minimized Rapidstrike mod. By cutting off the barrel and stock, Coop created a Nerf Uzi - and now this classic Nerf gun mod can be yours! #tactics


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Nerf Ultra SPEED

The Nerf Ultra Speed is the fastest firing Ultra blaster. Literally. They had to develop new custom 12-dart speed mags just to keep up with the Ultra Speed. So this is the Nerf gun to get if you just gotta go fast. Ricky Bobby approved.


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Custom Cel Shaded PDKFilms...

This modified toy foam blaster from YouTube channel Battle Squad/PDKFilms is a highly modded and custom painted Nerf Rayven that was used in their YouTube videos. The internals have also been lightly modified so now, "it absolutely rips."


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Blaster Model 1887

The M1887 Blaster is a lever-action Nerf gun w/shell-ejection designed to look and function like the Winchester Model 1887 shotgun, famous for being the most overpowered weapon to ever grace a Call of Duty title, back in Modern Warfare 2.


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SCAR Electric Toy Sniper R...

Okay, this Nerf gun doesn't look much like a SCAR. It looks like some weird mix of the SCAR, the HK416, and even a little bit of an ACR. If you can get past that, this is a pretty tacti-cool rifle that includes a foregrip, scope, and 3 mags


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Nerf Zombie Strike Nailbiter

Nail those pesky zombies to the wall with the Nerf Zombie Strike Nailbiter. Inspired by an actual nail gun, the Nailbiter is a fast firing Nerf gun with an 8-dart indexing clip. No priming required, just pull the trigger and shoot.


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Nerf x Fortnite Insightful...

Nerf has teamed up with Fortnite again and this time, they've gifted us a Nerf M16! The classic Fortnite assault rifle has finally made its debut as a Nerf gun, complete with the epic Insightful wrap ripped straight from from the game.


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