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This Nerf Rival Perses blaster has been given the ultimate tacti-cool treatment by your resident Nerf Wizard, Coop772. He's painted it in his signature sponge-camo blue green paint job and added a drop-in extended Perses Hopper that increases the total ammo capacity of the Perses to 160+ High Impact Rounds! The hopper has been painted to match the Perses and everything just flows in a natural, yet badass, progression of tactfulness. The Hopper is usually $52 by itself, so this seems to be a great bargain overall. Coop's Nerf Rival Perses includes the original rechargeable battery pack and the charger. It also comes with enough custom Headshot Rival rounds to fill up the entire extended Hopper.

Note: Headshot Ammo is no longer the best ammo type for Rival blasters, but I'm assuming these rounds are from the older supply of quality Headshot Rounds.

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

Nerf Pro GelFire Mythic Ge...

The Nerf Pro Gelfire Mythic is a gel blaster with an 800 round capacity hopper that's capable of full automatic fire. The Gelfire Mythic features a semi-auto/full-auto switch, an extendable stock, removable barrel and a rechargeable battery.


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The Most Expensive Nerf Gu...

Nevermore quoth the Rayven and never before has the Rayven been quoted for more. This is an eBay listing for the "Ultra Rare" brand new in box Nerf N-Strike Elite "Stinger" Rayven and you'll NEVER believe the price on this listing! Crazy!


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The Meowser DL-44 Star War...

Who shot first? It will ALWAYS be you with the Meowser DL-44. This 3D printed replica of Han Solo's Star Wars blaster is built upon OFD's FlyCore tech, shooting half-length darts in full auto fire modes at speeds of up to 50DPS+200 FPS.


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Nerf Rival Pilot

The Nerf Rival Pilot is a break action, breech loaded Nerf gun that comes in a small package, but packs a big punch. You can even load multiple rounds and send up to three HIR's flying out of this little shotgun pistol at the same time.


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DART ZONE Pro-Series MK-3

The MK-3 Pro isn't just your average electric Nerf gun or X-Shot blaster. It's much more powerful and features a Select-Fire mode that's unique, even amongst high power flywheel blasters! Includes stock, red dot sight, and 2 magazines.


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Nerf Overwatch D.Va Rival ...

If you know any Nerfers that also play Overwatch, this might be the perfect gift. This Rival series Nerf gun features a breech-loaded internal magazine with a 3-round capacity and styling that resembles D'Va's signature weapon from the game.


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Orange Armory SR200 Blaster

The Orange Armory SR200 Spring-Powered Blaster is a 3D printed pump-action blaster from Orange Mod Works that uses Worker's Talon Mags system for half-length darts. There's also a Tactical Kit that includes essential add-ons for the blaster.


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NERF LMTD Star Trek Phasers

Resistance is Futile! For a Star Trek fan who also likes to Nerf, this might be too irresistible. This Nerf bundle comes with a motorized Type 3 Phaser rifle with 5-dart internal magazine and a front-loaded pull-to prime Type 2 Phaser.


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Nerf Zombie Strike Revolti...

This Zombie re-shell of the Nerf Stryfe might be the best one yet. With "power shock" lights and shooting sound effects, coupled with the wacky Zombie Strike aesthetics, this Zombie Strike Stryfe definitely stands out from the crowd!


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