This D.Va Nerf gun resembles her signature weapon from Blizzard Entertainment's action shooter, Overwatch. D.Va is a very popular character, in and outside of the game. If you haven't seen the cosplays, I'll give you a second to go and Google that. Are you back? Good. Are you interested? I know... Any Nerfer that also plays Overwatch will most like love this Nerf gun. It looks just like her gun in the game and it shoots Rival's High-Impact Rounds which are accurate and pack a pretty punch, just like D.Va herself. It even comes with a bunny chain charm attached to the pistol grip, just like in the game.
Before the Nailbiter, the Nerf Alien Menace Voidcaster was here and it was pretty great. Like the Nailbiter, the Voidcaster is a double-action semi-auto blaster with a fast fire rate and the ability to dual wield! And it looks awesome!
The Nerf Modulus Longstrike is the premier Nerf sniper rifle. Featuring the classic sniper rifle look and feel, with a scope, long barrel and bipod, the Longstrike is the Nerf gun to get if you want to be the Bob Lee Swagger of Nerf.
This modified toy foam blaster from YouTube channel Battle Squad/PDKFilms is a highly modded and custom painted Nerf Rayven that was used in their YouTube videos. The internals have also been lightly modified so now, "it absolutely rips."
As the ULTIMATE Nerf FalconFire mod, the SPAMF is a "Slide-Prime Action Mag-fed Falconfire." The SPAMF includes an upgraded 3D-printed body, with short dart Talon mag-well, barrel, breech, trigger and a spring spacer. Hits around 100+ FPS
The Dart Zone Pro Series MK-2 is a high performance half-length dart gun that uses an internal magazine. It resembles the RK5 pistol from Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. This short-dart pistol packs a super punch, firing at over 130 FPS.
Resistance is Futile! For a Star Trek fan who also likes to Nerf, this might be too irresistible. This Nerf bundle comes with a motorized Type 3 Phaser rifle with 5-dart internal magazine and a front-loaded pull-to prime Type 2 Phaser.
The Nerf Demolisher was the first Nerf gun with an integrated under-barrel missile launcher. If you play Call of Duty, it's better known as the noob tube. It's a Nerf Stryfe re-shell with a built-in noob tube, now in Modulus paint. Perfect
The Nerf Rival Hera is a beautiful Goddess-like Nerf Rival Stryfe. Semi-automatic High-Impact Rounds come flying out of the Hera as fast as you can pull the trigger. Then load another mag into the grip and do it all over again!
The Lizzy is another Nerf gun pistol with a really cool aesthetic. It has decent power, hitting at 80+ FPS, and comes in at a super decent price! It comes with the blaster, an RMR optic, the magazine (which loads in the grip) and 96 darts!