During a light Nerf skirmish around the house and yard, you probably won't need a Nerf skateboard helmet. Just grab some eye pro and you're good. But at a full fledged Nerf War at a local park? You're definitely going to need some extra protective gear. Trust me. The amount of slips and slides and twists and tumbles I've seen have been numerous. And I've only been to a couple of Nerf Wars! I've done a full head over heels tumble at my first Nerf War ever, and trust me when I say, it was Gold Medal gymnastics quality stuff! What I would do, especially for a younger Nerfer, is I would get them this Nerf skateboard helmet and then add a helmet net on top of it. NOW, it looks exactly like a World War II bucket style war helmet! Available in up to three different sizes, this Nerf helmet will be sure to fit anyone in the family.
When your Nerf Arsenal begins to grow, so will storage frustrations. "Where do I put all of these things?!" Here's a solution you might not have thought of: Buy an Over The Door Shoe Organizer. They are friggin PERFECT for small Nerf guns!
While it's probably most well known from being in Call of Duty Black Ops, the ballistic knife is still a very real life thing. And while this isn't quite it, this Nerf Dagger from Worker is as close as we've gotten in the Nerf gun hobby.
These Fast Draw Drop Leg Holsters for the Nerf Stryfe blaster are absolutely flawless! Made by longtime Nerf modder extraordinaire 3DPrintedSolid, these drop leg holsters are a perfect fit and make for a fast draw every single time.
This Nerf Gun Tactical Vest features two holsters which can be accessed by opening a large Velcro flap on the front of either side of the vest. There are also four detachable "bullet bags" which can attach to the vest and hold extra ammo.
These Nerf Bunkr Combat Carrier Cases work perfectly for under bed storage of Nerf guns and all your Nerf gun attachments and other accessories. Measuring 20" by 14", these cases also have built in targets on the inside of the flip up lid.
If you never thought you'd be using a scope with Thermal Imaging outside of Call of Duty, well maybe it's time to think again. The Nerf Modulus Day/Night Zoom Scope features up to 5x magnification and a working infrared mode! So cool!
The Eshooter Sentry 2 auto-reset target is made out of stainless steel, features RGB lighting, and charges via USB-C. Highly durable, it's able to withstand over 10K+ shots from the hardest hitting Nerf guns, gel blasters or airsoft rifles
This unofficial Nerf Blaster Mod Guide will teach you basic principles of modding and how to mod certain popular Nerf guns from start to finish. If you're hesitant to jump into the world of modding, let this book be your Nerf Modder's Bible.
These twin LED light beam spy goggles are part of a bigger system of high-tech toy gadgets that you can get for your young Nerfer that will be cool, comfortable and will make your young ones actually WANT to wear their eye protection!