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The Nerf Modulus Ghost Ops Evader is an awesome Nerf gun. It features everything you love about the Nerf Stryfe, mixed with what you (maybe?) love about the Nerf Rampage and everything that was cool about the Nerf Glowshot. It takes all of these features and mixes it up in a pot, mixed with sugar and spice and everything nice, and eventually it made the Nerf Modulus Evader.

If you or the Nerfer you're shopping for loves technology (but not as much as you, you see) then they will LOVE this Nerf gun. Featuring a clear paint job, the Evader lets you see everything that's going on under the hood, though if you're familiar with the Nerf Stryfe you'll already know what's going on under there. Irregardless, it's cool to see it in motion nonetheless. And that's not all, the Nerf Evader can emit a strong glowing green light that makes it perfect for nightly Nerf battles. 

The Nerf Modulus Ghost Ops Evader comes with 12 Modulus Elite (unfortunately not glow-in-the-dark) darts and a clear 12-round stick mag that reminds me of the glorious Nerf Rapidstrike 18-dart stick mags. What it doesn't come with is the batteries, which you'll definitely need for the lights and the functioning of the blaster.

It does come with a sick light up suppressor style barrel extension, though. But you might want to remove that, as the Evader matches perfectly with the Nerf Chrono Barrel attachment. And as I said in my post on that barrel, it's the most functional Nerf gun attachment ever made. Check it out.

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

Coop's Dart Zone Tomcat

Coop772 is selling another Nerf gun on eBay and this time it's a custom painted Dart Zone Max Tomcat! This blaster is just an aesthetic mod, meaning Coop just threw on his signature sponge patterned paintjob and called it a day. Ends soon!


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Nerf Modulus Recon MKIII B...

They say third time's a charm and they were right with the Nerf Modulus Recon MK III blaster. The Recon is better than it's ever been and better looking, too! This is a blaster built for someone who likes building onto blasters. The Recon M...


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Coop772's Modded MK3

Nerf YouTuber Coop772 is back at it again with a new slew of eBay auctions! This listing is for his custom modified Dart Zone Pro MK3 blaster! It features his signature paintjob and a host of ease-of-life modifications. Check it out!


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Custom Painted Nerf Motobl...

If you love the Nerf Motoblitz (and you should), but you don't love the paintjob -- don't worry. You can just buy a custom hand-painted Nerf Motoblitz online. Delete the bright teal coloring on the Motoblitz and get a bit more tacti-cool.


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Coop772's Tricked Out Trion

Popular Nerf YouTuber Coop772 is selling his personal Game Face Trion blaster. It has been modified to be as tacti-cool as possible, with a custom paintjob, an assortment of real steel Magpul attachments, and a screw on Worker suppressor.


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Top-Loading Nerf Gryphon

The Gryphon is a high quality 3D printed, semi-auto, mag-fed, competition ready, customizable dart blaster. This version is more compact and features an iridescent paintjob and a top-load slot that allows you to top off the mag mid-battle.


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Custom Cel Shaded PDKFilms...

This modified toy foam blaster from YouTube channel Battle Squad/PDKFilms is a highly modded and custom painted Nerf Rayven that was used in their YouTube videos. The internals have also been lightly modified so now, "it absolutely rips."


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Nerf UMP45 Submachine Gun

This off-brand Nerf gun is a UMP45 lookalike, sure. But it's also a high performance, spring powered, mag fed dart gun with a pump action grip. It includes a 15 dart magazine, abs flip sights, optic attachment, and 100 custom foam darts.


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Rubber Band Gatling Gun

Ok, this is not a Nerf gun, but the GBANDGUN Rubber Band Gatling Gun is insane! It is a battery operated, wooden, rubber band machine gun with real rotating barrels that fire off 144 consecutive rubber band shots at 600 rounds per minute.


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