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The Nerf Claymore is a remote detonated, spring-loaded toy "explosive device" that you can also rig like a booby trap with the included trip wire. Just load it up with whatever ammo, from Nerf darts to Rival HIR's to GelFire rounds, make sure to face the "front toward enemy" and you're good to go. When an enemy Nerfer is close, flip the switch and watch the mayhem ensue. If you've set up a booby trap with the included trip wire, just sit back and watch your opponent trigger the claymore themselves while you practice your evil villain laugh. 

The Nerf M18A1 Claymore Land Mine comes with the claymore itself, with folding metal feet to adjust trajectory, the zero delay remote controller, a tripwire roller wheel, and a rechargeable battery for the claymore. (The remote uses standard alkaline batteries, sold separately)

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

Tactical Vest Kit for Nerf...

This Nerf Gun Tactical Vest features two holsters which can be accessed by opening a large Velcro flap on the front of either side of the vest. There are also four detachable "bullet bags" which can attach to the vest and hold extra ammo.


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Tac Sac Foregrip For Nerf ...

As The Joker would say, "What happened? Did your balls drop off?" Never again, when you equip the Tac Sac! It's a custom 3D printed ball sac foregrip for Nerf guns. Keep your balls tight and your aim steady with the Tac Sac Foregrip!


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Nerf Gun Christmas Ornament

Tis the season to be Nerfy. Have a blast all season long when you hang up one of these Nerf Gun Christmas Ornaments on your Christmas tree. This fun toy gun styled decoration features a foam dart blaster design that Nerf fans will love.


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Spring Thunder Shell-Eject...

The Spring Thunder is a pump-action springer shotgun blaster with real working shell-ejection that operates just like the real thing! This special edition "Coop Model" is done up in colors that the Nerf Wizard himself would appreciate.


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X-Shot Hyper Gel ACR

X-Shot has got into the Gel blaster game now too with their flagship model, the X-Shot Hyper Gel HPG-700, which looks like a blaster version of the Remington ACR. Complete with rechargeable battery, select-fire, and a 700 round mag. Neat.


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Nerf "Flip Off" Finger Sights

These novelty Finger Sights don't flip up but they sure do flip off. This is the perfect finishing touch for your modded Nerf gun. If you've already given it a sick paint job and increased the FPS, might as well throw these on it, too.


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Blaster Model 1887

The M1887 Blaster is a lever-action Nerf gun w/shell-ejection designed to look and function like the Winchester Model 1887 shotgun, famous for being the most overpowered weapon to ever grace a Call of Duty title, back in Modern Warfare 2.


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Worker Harrier

The Worker Harrier is the best injection-molded spring powered blaster ever made. Period, no comma. The Harrier is a super smooth operating mag-fed springer with exceptional performance and build quality. This is an AWESOME blaster.


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The NUOTHE'AN LS-21 Nerf G...

This one of a kind Nerf integration is the Official Winner of the MergeMasters 3 Mod Contest. It combines a Nerf Modulus, a Nerf Rayven, a Nerf Longshot, Nerf Mega Centurion and the Mega Magnus into one certified EPIC Nerf gun mod.


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