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The NERF LMTD Lightning Lair is a Magic: The Gathering Secret Lair blaster that comes with 6 darts, 2 shells, and 2 MTG trading cards! It's based off the Nerf Elite Shellstrike, which was a spring powered, shell-fed, triple shot shotgun pistol with a pull-to-prime priming handle. The only difference is the cool paintjob and the trading cards, but if you're into Magic the Gathering that will be more than enough.

BTo operate the Nerf LMTD Lightning Lair, first press the lever on the left side of the blaster and the barrel breaks open. Insert your fully loaded shell into the blaster and then close the barrel. Pull the priming handle at the back of the blaster and release. You're now ready to fire 3 darts at once! 

The NERF LMTD Lightning Lair Magic: The Gathering Secret Lair Blaster comes with the blaster itself, two shells, six red Elite darts, and two Magic: The Gathering promo trading cards. 

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

Gears Vector Flycore Blaster

This amazing Nerf gun, the Gears Vector, is an absolutely perfect replication of the real steel Kriss Vector submachine gun. Built on the Angled Flycore blaster framework, the Gears Vector is a fully customizable powerhouse of a blaster.


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LP55 Dart Blaster

The Lehui LP55 Dart Blaster is a Dart Zone clone, no doubt. But it's so much more than that. The LP55 combines the compact form factor of the Dart Zone Pro MK-2 with the in-grip mag loading of the DZP MK-2.1. It's the best of both worlds!


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Custom Painted Nerf Motobl...

If you love the Nerf Motoblitz (and you should), but you don't love the paintjob -- don't worry. You can just buy a custom hand-painted Nerf Motoblitz online. Delete the bright teal coloring on the Motoblitz and get a bit more tacti-cool.


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SCAR Electric Toy Sniper R...

Okay, this Nerf gun doesn't look much like a SCAR. It looks like some weird mix of the SCAR, the HK416, and even a little bit of an ACR. If you can get past that, this is a pretty tacti-cool rifle that includes a foregrip, scope, and 3 mags


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NiteHawK Nerf NiteFinder Mod

Ever wanted to dust off your old Nerf Nitefinder and transform it into a mini-SMG lookin', short-dart firing, mag-fed beast of a blaster? Well now you can, with the 3D printable NiteHawK pump-action tactical body mod kit from Killhouse16!


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Modded Nerf Rival Perses

If you missed the Coop772 auction, here is a Nerf Rival Perses in a similar configuration. This Perses is brand new and has been modified to work with a 3S LiPo battery. It also features the 160 round extended hopper from OutofDarts.


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Nerf Elite 2.0 Eaglepoint

The Eaglepoint reminds me of a new version of the old Nerf Elite Spectre. And much like the Spectre, I'd only recommend a purchase of this Nerf gun if you're in love with the included Nerf gun attachments. That barrel and scope look sick.


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Nerf Maverick MAYFLY MOD

The Mayfly is a heavily modified Nerf Maverick blaster that's now semi-auto! It runs off a LiPo battery, uses Nightingale flywheels, high power LOKI motors, and is now Talon mag-fed. Yup, it fires half-length darts at 130 feet per second!


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Nerf Ultra SPEED

The Nerf Ultra Speed is the fastest firing Ultra blaster. Literally. They had to develop new custom 12-dart speed mags just to keep up with the Ultra Speed. So this is the Nerf gun to get if you just gotta go fast. Ricky Bobby approved.


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