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The NERF LMTD Lightning Lair is a Magic: The Gathering Secret Lair blaster that comes with 6 darts, 2 shells, and 2 MTG trading cards! It's based off the Nerf Elite Shellstrike, which was a spring powered, shell-fed, triple shot shotgun pistol with a pull-to-prime priming handle. The only difference is the cool paintjob and the trading cards, but if you're into Magic the Gathering that will be more than enough.

BTo operate the Nerf LMTD Lightning Lair, first press the lever on the left side of the blaster and the barrel breaks open. Insert your fully loaded shell into the blaster and then close the barrel. Pull the priming handle at the back of the blaster and release. You're now ready to fire 3 darts at once! 

The NERF LMTD Lightning Lair Magic: The Gathering Secret Lair Blaster comes with the blaster itself, two shells, six red Elite darts, and two Magic: The Gathering promo trading cards. 

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

Nerf Rival Khaos Blood Spl...

The Nerf Rival Khaos is already a beastly Nerf gun in stock form. This one has been completely modded and re-wired for 3S LiPo batteries and given a sick blood splatter paintjob. Includes a working chainsaw attachment, a la Gears of War.


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Nerf Zombie Strike Revolti...

This Zombie re-shell of the Nerf Stryfe might be the best one yet. With "power shock" lights and shooting sound effects, coupled with the wacky Zombie Strike aesthetics, this Zombie Strike Stryfe definitely stands out from the crowd!


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DART ZONE Pro-Series MK-3

The MK-3 Pro isn't just your average electric Nerf gun or X-Shot blaster. It's much more powerful and features a Select-Fire mode that's unique, even amongst high power flywheel blasters! Includes stock, red dot sight, and 2 magazines.


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Blaster Model 1887

The M1887 Blaster is a lever-action Nerf gun w/shell-ejection designed to look and function like the Winchester Model 1887 shotgun, famous for being the most overpowered weapon to ever grace a Call of Duty title, back in Modern Warfare 2.


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Nerf Rival Forerunner

The Nerf Rival Forerunner is a shotgun style, breech-loaded Rival blaster with a pistol grip and sweet pump-action. Part of the "Accu-Rival" series of competition styled Nerf guns, it includes adjustable ABS sights and 12 blue Accu-Rounds.


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Modified Nerf Fortnite IR

I see a Nerf Fortnite Infantry Rifle and I want it painted blaaaack. Ahem. This modified Nerf Fortnite IR comes with a more tactical, custom paint job and a full 2S LiPo rewire with upgraded motors, cage and flywheels. Shoots at 120+ FPS.


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Fire Phoenix Dart Blaster ...

The Fire Phoenix is a Nerf gun pistol that fires half-length darts and feeds magazines in through the pistol grip. This is a "cheaper alternative" (aka knockoff) to the premium ZWQ S200 Fire Rat blaster. The benefit is it's MUCH cheaper.


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Nerf Rival Hera MXVII-1200

The Nerf Rival Hera is a beautiful Goddess-like Nerf Rival Stryfe. Semi-automatic High-Impact Rounds come flying out of the Hera as fast as you can pull the trigger. Then load another mag into the grip and do it all over again!


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Nerf Rival Pilot

The Nerf Rival Pilot is a break action, breech loaded Nerf gun that comes in a small package, but packs a big punch. You can even load multiple rounds and send up to three HIR's flying out of this little shotgun pistol at the same time.


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