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The Nerf Kick Scooter is a three wheeled full auto Nerf foam flinging machine! It's like someone attached a Nerf Rhino-Fire onto a premium scooter. Roll up to your friends porch and catch them lacking. But they won't be able to catch you, though, you're already gone. Poof! You've vanished. All jokes aside, the Nerf Kick Scooter is a novel little idea. I thought it was hilarious when I saw it so I wanted to share it here and see what everyone else thought. If you know any kids that are into Nerf and are also into riding scooters, I mean this has to be a win-win. With a sturdy steel frame and weight capacity of 150lbs+, maybe even some slightly older Nerfer's could enjoy this as well. 

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

Steampunk Dart Zone Outlaw

Veteran Nerf modder AlTheGeek has created another steampunk masterpiece, this time based on the Dart Zone Outlaw, a high powered Nerf gun pistol with a hammer-action prime and swappable 6 round auto advance half-length dart cylinders!


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SCAR Electric Toy Sniper R...

Okay, this Nerf gun doesn't look much like a SCAR. It looks like some weird mix of the SCAR, the HK416, and even a little bit of an ACR. If you can get past that, this is a pretty tacti-cool rifle that includes a foregrip, scope, and 3 mags


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NiteHawK Nerf NiteFinder Mod

Ever wanted to dust off your old Nerf Nitefinder and transform it into a mini-SMG lookin', short-dart firing, mag-fed beast of a blaster? Well now you can, with the 3D printable NiteHawK pump-action tactical body mod kit from Killhouse16!


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Worker Phoenix 2.0 Blaster

The Worker Phoenix is the Nerf MP7. It's a full auto, mag fed, submachine gun class Nerf blaster with a triple flywheel cage and 6 upgraded motors. Pop in a LiPo battery and the Phoenix can shoot its half-length darts at over 160 FPS. Wow.


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Coop772's Modded MK3

Nerf YouTuber Coop772 is back at it again with a new slew of eBay auctions! This listing is for his custom modified Dart Zone Pro MK3 blaster! It features his signature paintjob and a host of ease-of-life modifications. Check it out!


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NERF Minecraft Sabrewing Bow

This motorized dart blaster bow comes straight out of the Minecraft Dungeon and into your hands. With an 8-round mag, semi-auto dart blasting and a drawstring that revs the motors when you pull it back, this bow is definitely one of a kind!


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Rubber Band Gatling Gun

Ok, this is not a Nerf gun, but the GBANDGUN Rubber Band Gatling Gun is insane! It is a battery operated, wooden, rubber band machine gun with real rotating barrels that fire off 144 consecutive rubber band shots at 600 rounds per minute.


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Nerf Fortnite Flare Gun

The Nerf Fortnite Flare Dart Blaster is the flare gun from Fortnite. (Duh!) It's a single shot, pull-to-prime, Mega dart blaster. It features break-open dart loading and includes 3 Mega Darts. The Nerf War applications for this are endless


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Modded Nerf Rival Perses

If you missed the Coop772 auction, here is a Nerf Rival Perses in a similar configuration. This Perses is brand new and has been modified to work with a 3S LiPo battery. It also features the 160 round extended hopper from OutofDarts.


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