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This Worker melee dagger is a knife that can load and shoot Elite darts and half-length darts as well. Load a single dart into the breech and press the button to fire a single dart. Reload and repeat. This thing has quite the intriguing look to it and most people will never expect to get shot with a dart after they see you reaching for your knife. Tactics!

Unfortunately, you can't actually use the knife. It seems to be made from the same PLA that the rest of the dagger is made from. That's a bummer, but I bet with a few modifications you could get it where you want it. Just as long as you keep the handle and firing mechanism/breech in tact. Tinker.

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

KAP 45 Nerf Pistol

The Shellington Flypoint Blaster is 100% the Nerf gun version of the Kap 45 from Call of Duty Black Ops 4 and I absolutely love it! It's a magazine fed semi-auto shell ejecting Nerf pistol with realistic full-blowback action! Outstanding!


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D-Dart Pro Wrist Blaster N...

The D-Dart Pro Blaster is like a Nerf Gun that goes around your wrists. Light and compact, the D-Dart Pro can shoot 27 darts in less than a second. It's the coolest and possibly quickest Nerf gun you'll see today. Grab 2 to dual wield!


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The NERF Nuke

The Tactical Nerf Nuke warhead. Drop the bomb on 'em! Ensure Mutually-Assured Nerf Destruction by tossing the Nerf Nuke into the enemy camp. Make sure to step back and watch the chaos ensue as darts blast off 30 feet in all directions.


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X-Shot INSANITY Rage Fire

X-Shot has released a new line of dart blasters that take their name very literally. They've released a belt-fed foam dart Minigun with a scope, 360 degree tripod, full automatic firing and a 40 round capacity. The Rage Fire is... Insanity!


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Worker Nightingale Pro

The Worker Nightingale Pro is a Nerf gun so realistic that Amazon won't even ship it to my state! It's a compact pistol that uses a 3S LiPo to propel the half-length darts through its mini-flywheels at over 125 FPS. How epic is that?


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Knuckle Duster Pump Grip

If you're bored with the lackluster or undersized stock pump-action foregrips included with your blaster, this Knuckle Guard Pump Grip for the Nexus Pro and Stryker is the perfect way to spice things up on your favorite Dart Zone blaster.


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SPAMF Nerf FalconFire Mod

As the ULTIMATE Nerf FalconFire mod, the SPAMF is a "Slide-Prime Action Mag-fed Falconfire." The SPAMF includes an upgraded 3D-printed body, with short dart Talon mag-well, barrel, breech, trigger and a spring spacer. Hits around 100+ FPS


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UnlocX Gel Ball Blaster Kit

This kit is what I imagine an N-Strike Elite Gel Blaster would be like. It's a modular 4-in-1 system that you can build up to a rifle or break all the way down to a pistol. The UnlocX Gel Ball Blaster is what Nerf should have made.


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3D Printed Call of Duty St...

This may not be directly related to NERF, but this Call of Duty Modern Warfare inspired Stim Shot V2 would be an amazing addition to any Nerf War Loadout. It'd be perfect for a Nerf War game type where reviving downed players was an option.


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