Top 5 Best Nerf Guns to Mod

April 9, 2019 2246 Views
Nerf modding can be a very fun and rewarding way to enjoy your new Nerf gun. Maximizing the power and/or efficiency of a Nerf gun is an amazing way to spend an afternoon. If you were the kid that used to take things apart just to see how they worked, then this will be right up your alley.Now getting into the actual point of this article. I will list the Top 5 Best Nerf Guns to Mod if you're just getting into Nerf Modding. If you've decided to modify your Nerf gun (aka aggressively voiding your warranty), make sure you've selected a blaster that isn't very expensive. If it's your first time and you're not careful, you probably will break your blaster. Nerf Mods are not for the faint of heart. If you're going to do this, make sure you take ALL of the proper safety precautions. Eye pro is a must, whether Nerfing or Modding. Trust me. Next, if you're going to use any kind of power tool or soldering iron, please know what you're doing. If not, ask someone who does. If you're on the younger side, I'm sure your dad or another older relative would love to help you out. Nerf modding is a whole experience. You will want to enjoy yourself and there are certain classic mods that you might as well go through as you're getting more acquainted with taking your blasters apart and tinkering with them. Anyway, here's the list. Check it out! 

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There you have it, the top 5 Nerf Guns to Mod! You can, of course, mod whatever blaster you see fit, but... these blasters are a rite of passage on your Nerf modding journey.  You can switch out the Firestrike for the NiteFinder, you can switch out the Retaliator for the Modulus Recon, don't skip the Longshot, you can switch the Nerf Stryfe for the Nerf Modulus or the Nerf Demolisher (or any of the other Stryfe based blasters), and you can probably switch the Rapidstrike for the Nerf HyperFire or the Nerf Modulus Regulator if you want an even bigger challenge. As always, remember to stay safe by wearing the proper protective equipment and asking for help if you need to use any kind of cutting device or any power tool you're not familiar with. And as Rob would say, wear clean undies. 

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