This Nerf MicroShots Blaster Bundle is the best thing you can buy for a younger Nerfer. These blasters are small and the prime weight isn't too bad. And best of all? The blasters included in this bundle are actually miniature versions of some of the Nerf guns they might have seen you or their older siblings playing with. Toddlers love to mimic what they see older kids do and that's a proven fact.
If for some reason the prime is too tough on the MicroShots bundle (it shouldn't be), or you just want something more basic, the Nerf Elite Ace SD-1 is your blaster. The Ace is just a Nerf Jolt in some new clothes, and the Jolt has always been a blaster that anyone could use and have fun with. Every Nerf collection needs at least one Jolt.
Yet another Nerf Jolt graces this list and it's for a couple of reasons.: One, Jolts are everywhere. Literally. And two, it's a Spider-Man Jolt. Kids love Spider-Man. Everyone loves Spider-Man. I love Spider-Man. Spread the love, get your toddler a friendly neighborhood Spidey-Blaster. Also comes with two red and blue Spider-Man themed Elite darts.
The Nerf Glowshot is a small Nerf gun with a big gimmick. As we know, very young children like toddlers have very small attention spans. So a gimmick is always good to keep them interested beyond their initial curiosity phase. The Glowshot actually has a button on the back of the handle that depresses when you squeeze the grip. The blaster looks clear initially, but has a green glow to it when you grab the blaster.
If James Bond himself would ever use a Nerf blaster, it probably wouldn't be the Bowstrike. But I like to pretend it would be his blaster of choice. Everything about this little Nerf gun screams "I'm a Nerf Spy!" The Nerf Bowstrike has a cool gimmick where it has bow arms and a flip up sight that pop out when you pull back the priming handle.
The Nerf DinoSquad Stego-Smash is a front loaded, prime-to-pull Nerf gun that should be easy for your youngling. I've heard it might be tricky if they are under 5, but it would give them practice in training their dexterity and hand strength. Plus, it's dinosaur themed. Kids love dinosaurs.
What do you get when you mix the best selling Nerf Strongarm with a Velociraptor? The Nerf DinoSquad Raptor-Slash of course. The Raptor-Slash is a front loading six round cylinder blaster with a pistol slide priming handle up top. Can be tricky to prime for younger kids, but once they're about 5 it should be no problem.
The Crosscut is another Nerf gun with a sweet gimmick. This time it's a spinning saw blade on the front end of the blaster. Pull to prime in the back is large and more manageable for smaller hands, while a secondary tricker under the blaster operates the saw blade. Also available in a cute mini version here: Nerf MicroShots Zombie Strike Crosscut Blaster
I honestly hesitate to add this set of Nerf guns to the list, but... it's ROBLOX! Every single kid I know loves Roblox. These two blasters are very cute little blasters. There's an orange one and a green/blue one. They are both front loaded, single shot blasters. They're small and easy to hold and shoot by little hands. So why do I hesitate? These are hammer action blasters and those are usually a little harder to prime.
So far, every Nerf gun on this list has been single-action/single-fire. Well, no more. It's time to move on to motorized blasters now. And it's time to start moving toward the inevitable: your kid falling in love with Fortnite. The Fortnite SMG-E is a semi-automatic battery operated Nerf gun that fires a shot every single time you pull the trigger. Good luck.
If for some reason, you or the kid you're getting a gift for, just hates Fortnite, you can still get them the same experience. The Nerf Stryfe was the original motorized Nerf gun behind the Fortnite blaster anyway. Get the Nerf Stryfe and a few Modulus Nerf gun attachments thrown into the mix for around the same price.
Does the child you're shopping around for play Minecraft? Of course they do. Take advantage of their love for Minecraft by mixing it with their love for Nerf with the Nerf Minecraft Sabrewing Blaster Bow! It's good for younger Nerfers because all you have to do to shoot is hold the bowstring back and then push the button on the bow handle. It's semi-auto like the Stryfe and Fortnite SMG.
Right after I publish this article, Nerf releases a line of Nerf guns that are actually designed for 6 year olds. Typically, their Nerf guns are 8 and up, so this is really cool. The Nerf Elite JR Rookie Pack includes a pump-action Nerf gun that is sized to fit comfortably in smaller hands. It also has the easiest prime of any Nerf dart gun.
This is a front loaded pull to prime Nerf gun for kids. It features an oversized easy-pull priming handle that has the lowest pull force of any Nerf dart blaster. It's also lightweight and features a super fun and colorful design that kids are sure to love. Get the Explorer blaster for your 6 year old boy or girl and be sure to get a Nerf gun they'll love.
Well, that's all folks. There you have it. You can shop pretty easily for the best Nerf guns for toddlers if you try hard enough. Young children at that age probably shouldn't even be playing with Nerf guns, but when has that ever stopped them? If you don't want them sneaking around behind you or their parents backs, you might as well supply them with some safe, low powered, easy to use Nerf guns that won't let them hurt themselves or anyone around them. Also, get them eye protection. Seriously. Nerf goggles. Do it.
The Nerf Hyper Mach-100 is another high capacity, hopper-fed, full-auto blaster that's battery powered and shoots small round balls at high velocities, up to 110 FPS. If you liked the Nerf Rival Perses, you're probably gonna like this too!
The Lehui LP55 Dart Blaster is a Dart Zone clone, no doubt. But it's so much more than that. The LP55 combines the compact form factor of the Dart Zone Pro MK-2 with the in-grip mag loading of the DZP MK-2.1. It's the best of both worlds!
This novelty Nerf grenade is modeled after the real life MK3 Concussion Grenade and works similarly. Sorta. Load it up with up to 6 Rival HIR's or about a dozen cut down Nerf darts, then pull the pin and toss it over your shoulder. BOOM!
The Worker 22-Dart Banana Mag is one of the absolute best Nerf gun magazines that you can buy, period. It has the AK47 mag style look, it is super high quality and durable, and it's barely any bigger than Nerf's own 18-Dart magazine.
Pinpoint the competition with this Nerf rail compatible Flip Up Sight! Available in 18 different colors that you can mix and match, the Nerf Rail Flip Up Sight will be sure to catch the attention of all the other Nerfers at your next Nerf War!
These are akin to a "forbidden jutsu" in the Nerf world. These are not foam, these are hard plastic pointed tips for Nerf Darts. Ouch. I put these here to satisfy your curiosity, but never shoot these at people, people. Balloons, though..
This is the best shotgun-style Nerf gun available, period. Its shotgun aesthetics are reinforced with its smooth faux-wood pump-grip and angled shoulder stock. With a 10+ Round capacity and rapid Slam-Fire action, it's an absolute blast.
The Coathanger from SpitfireProducts is a compact, 3D printed, competitive short-dart Nerf gun with a proprietary wire-hook plunger rod/catch system that gives the blaster its name and also makes priming the 200 fps blaster buttery smooth.
Ever wanted to dust off your old Nerf Nitefinder and transform it into a mini-SMG lookin', short-dart firing, mag-fed beast of a blaster? Well now you can, with the 3D printable NiteHawK pump-action tactical body mod kit from Killhouse16!