The original Nerf sniper returns and trust me when I say it's one of the all-time best Nerf gun sniper rifles. Better than ever, the Nerf Longstrike comes with updated Nerf gun attachments, including a true sniper scope and bipod with retractable legs. It also includes 3 custom clear 6-dart magazines and 18 darts.
Ah, the Nerf Mega Centurion. The Nerf MEGA "heavy" sniper rifle with the longest prime of any Nerf gun. Don't get me wrong, this Nerf gun sniper rifle kinda sucks. But it definitely looks pretty good. Only get this Nerf gun if you really love the look, because without heavy modding, this thing will jam and underperform like nobody's business.
The Tri-Strike was at one time thought to be the Elite powered successor to the Longstrike. And if you switch up a few of the included Nerf gun attachments, it was true. Throw on a long barrel, a storage stock, and a scope and boom: The new bolt-action Nerf gun sniper rifle was here! And it had slam fire!
The AccuStrike series was supposed to be Nerf's more accurate line of Nerf guns. It was all due to the AccuStrike Darts and they were actually pretty great. So this would be "the accurate sniper." The Nerf RaptorStrike is a bolt-action Nerf gun sniper rifle with a flip up sight, bipod, two clear 6-dart mags, and 18 of those accurate Elite darts.
This slippery sniper rifle is a Nerf made, Roblox based, zombie themed, snake shaped Nerf gun. That's a lot to process. But not for your kids, they'll eat this right up -- scales included! Fighting zombies with a Nerf sniper that looks like a snake that shoots darts out of its open mouth? What have I been missing in Roblox?!
This Nerf gun doesn't really seem like much of a sniper to me. It just reminds me too much of the old Nerf Spectre with its 8-dart cylinder. But it does check off all the Nerf sniper boxes; integrated storage stock, detachable scope, and a pretty sweet looking extended barrel. I think kids will love this, so if you're shopping for a younger Nerfer, go for it.
The Fortnite BASR-L is a sniper rifle styled Nerf gun, ripped straight out of Fortnite and into your living room. It's based on the Rare variant of the games' Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle, which itself is based on the real steel Accuracy International AWP sniper rifle. The Nerf Fortnite BASR-L comes with a scope and six dart mag.
This is the same as the last one so consider it 7b. The Nerf Fortnite BASR-R is more appropriately named, though, since the R stands for Rare. The BASR-L is supposed to be for Legendary rarity, but they're both based on the Rare and lower version. /Rant. Anyway, this version is blue and comes with 3 Bush Targets.
The Nerf Fortnite Heavy Sniper Rifle is pulled straight from the game, but we all know it's based on the Barrett .50cal anti-materiel sniper rifle. And that thing was made to shoot through engines and armor! Accordingly, the Nerf version fires the huge Nerf MEGA Darts that pack a punch above the regular Elite Darts.
No matter what you think of the Nerf Ultra Series, the Pharaoh is a definite candidate for best Nerf gun sniper rifle, period. Super realistic bolt-action with the a smooth bolt cycle, integrated thumbhole stock, sniper scope, and even a large Barret .50cal style muzzle brake. Not to mention 100fps performance right out of the box, no modding required.
Now how could I end this list without mentioning Nerf Rival? Rival Series Nerf guns are high-powered and its High-Impact Rounds are more accurate than Nerf darts. Sounds perfect for a Nerf gun sniper rifle, right? Right! Enter in the bolt-action Nerf Rival Jupiter, the first true Nerf Rival sniper rifle. It's awesome!
Now, I hate to do this, but I did mention the Nerf Longshot in the intro to this article. You can achieve sniper-esque performance with a heavily modded Nerf Longshot, BUT... I just don't consider the Longshot to be a sniper rifle. It's more of a "designated heavy" Battle Rifle, like the FN SCAR-H.
This is one of the types of Nerf guns I was talking about when I said "uber powerful aftermarket Nerf guns." This heavy duty bolt-action Nerf gun sniper rifle is a modified version of Captain Slug's original Caliburn design. And this thing hits hard. Averaging over 250 FPS with every shot, this is a blaster destined for long range engagements.
If you are a Mandalorian, weapons are part of your religion. And if that's the case, you absolutely NEED this Nerf Star Wars Amban Phase-Pulse Sniper Rifle! It's a Nerf gun version of the iconic weapon from the show that features a light up scope and authentic sound effects upon loading or firing the blaster.
Aaand, that's it! As always, make sure you pick out the right Nerf gun for the job! If you're shopping for a Nerf gift for someone, ask yourself some general questions. Is the Nerfer big or small? Does he go out to organized Nerf Wars or is he just plinking around the house? These are some questions that should help you when shopping for your Nerfer.
And another thing, make sure you buy extra ammo. Pick the right darts for the gun of your choice, too. I've picked Nerf gun sniper rifles from pretty much every different series of Nerf guns. And they all use different sized darts or rounds. Ultra Nerf guns use Ultra Darts -- and I suggest getting the newer Accustrike Ultra Darts for those. Otherwise, make sure if you're buying Ultra you get Ultra Darts, Elite Darts for N-Strike Elite Nerf guns, Mega Darts for Mega Nerf guns, or Rival High-Impact Rounds for Nerf Rival guns. Get more darts than you think you'll need. Trust me.
The Nerf Modulus Stealth Upgrade Kit is a perfect little kit for your Nerf blaster, including a reflex sight, a folding grip attachment, and a small compensator style barrel attachment. This kit has been out for a while, but it's still as p...
This Nerf Skateboard Helmet also has a kind of a World War II soldier look to it, don't you think? Either way, this Nerf branded helmet will protect you from foam dart headshots, and twists and tumbles on the Nerf War battlefield. If you've...
This Nerf Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Blaster is a hammer-action Nerf gun revolver with a 5 dart cylinder and a wicked awesome paintjob on both sides! Whether you like TMNT or not, you've got to admit this little pistol is very striking!
If you never thought you'd be using a scope with Thermal Imaging outside of Call of Duty, well maybe it's time to think again. The Nerf Modulus Day/Night Zoom Scope features up to 5x magnification and a working infrared mode! So cool!
The MK-3 Pro isn't just your average electric Nerf gun or X-Shot blaster. It's much more powerful and features a Select-Fire mode that's unique, even amongst high power flywheel blasters! Includes stock, red dot sight, and 2 magazines.
The Dart Zone Pro MK-4 spring powered dart blaster is a super high performance pump-action Nerf gun sniper rifle that shoots at muzzle velocities of over 200+ feet per second with its included power boosting FPS Barrel extension. Insane!
Coop772 is selling another Nerf gun on eBay and this time it's a custom painted Dart Zone Max Tomcat! This blaster is just an aesthetic mod, meaning Coop just threw on his signature sponge patterned paintjob and called it a day. Ends soon!
Veteran Nerf modder AlTheGeek has created another steampunk masterpiece, this time based on the Dart Zone Outlaw, a high powered Nerf gun pistol with a hammer-action prime and swappable 6 round auto advance half-length dart cylinders!
If a Nerf Stryfe and Nerf Rampage had a baby and then that baby had a baby with the Nerf Glowshot, this would be that blaster. It's a side loading Nerf Stryfe with a sick set of glow lights underneath. Perfect for Night Nerf Wars!