This Gears Vector Nerf gun is amazing. Powered by the angled Flycore blaster framework means you know it's going to perform solidly and be reliable. It can use angled Worker Talon magazines or also Nightingale magazines. The Gears Vector accepting Nightingale mags is so perfect and reminds me of the real Vector again -- the real Kriss Vector actually works with Glock magazines, so the parallel between Nerf gun and real gun is insane here. Full auto with a 2-stage trigger, the Gears Vector is a high performance short-dart blaster that you have to see to believe.
The Gears Vector is such an amazing blaster. Before this, if you were a fan of the Kriss Vector, you would have to take a Nerf Stryfe and install a Kriss Vector body kit. This worked pretty well, but it always still looked a tiny bit like a Stryfe in Kriss clothing. The Gears Vector looks almost identical to a real steel Kriss Vector and I absolutely love that.
This particular Gears Vector was designed by Gears, powered by OFD Flycore blaster framework, and printed, assembled, and sold by Foamdemic. LiPo battery required, but not included. Printed in PETG. Also available cheaper, in PLA: Gears Vector Full Build.
The Lizzy is another Nerf gun pistol with a really cool aesthetic. It has decent power, hitting at 80+ FPS, and comes in at a super decent price! It comes with the blaster, an RMR optic, the magazine (which loads in the grip) and 96 darts!
This is the best shotgun-style Nerf gun available, period. Its shotgun aesthetics are reinforced with its smooth faux-wood pump-grip and angled shoulder stock. With a 10+ Round capacity and rapid Slam-Fire action, it's an absolute blast.
Based off of the Tactical Submachine Gun from Fortnite, this modified Nerf gun has been given the full once-over, including a tactical paintjob and a full re-wire, including upgraded motors, flywheel cage, and flywheels. Hits at 120+ FPS.
Ever wanted to dust off your old Nerf Nitefinder and transform it into a mini-SMG lookin', short-dart firing, mag-fed beast of a blaster? Well now you can, with the 3D printable NiteHawK pump-action tactical body mod kit from Killhouse16!
This motorized dart blaster bow comes straight out of the Minecraft Dungeon and into your hands. With an 8-round mag, semi-auto dart blasting and a drawstring that revs the motors when you pull it back, this bow is definitely one of a kind!
A super compact CQB style Nerf gun, the KM9 Unicorn is a high power pump-action springer blaster that resembles the real steel Intratec Tec-9 machine pistol. Made of highly durable nylon with full metal internals, the Unicorn is rock solid!
The Nerf Star Wars Cassian Andor Blaster is based on the A280-CFE blaster rifle that Captain Andor uses in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. It's a Nerf Stryfe re-shell with flashy lights, cool sounds, and an epic set of Nerf gun attachments.
The Nerf Rival Khaos is already a beastly Nerf gun in stock form. This one has been completely modded and re-wired for 3S LiPo batteries and given a sick blood splatter paintjob. Includes a working chainsaw attachment, a la Gears of War.
Nerf released a low-power line of Nerf guns that are actually designed for 6 year old kids. The Nerf Elite Junior Rookie Pack includes a front-loaded pump-action Nerf gun that is sized to fit comfortably in and be primed by smaller hands.