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This set of fast draw drop leg holsters for the Nerf Stryfe are some of the best holsters you can get. If you carry a Stryfe (or two) as a secondary, this holster will be perfect. With your primary Nerf gun on a sling, you'd just throw it around back when it was empty and pull your Stryfe out -- it's that easy. I've personally used these on more than a few occasions and they have served me incredibly well. They are available in single holsters, either left leg or right leg OR you can just go for the full set and get a pair of holsters, which is the option I went with. The holsters are solidly constructed and available in 5 different colors; red, white, green, black, or orange. 3DPrintedSolid also makes drop leg holsters for an assortment of other Nerf guns, so chances are, whatever you're running, he's got you covered! 

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

Tac Sac Foregrip For Nerf ...

As The Joker would say, "What happened? Did your balls drop off?" Never again, when you equip the Tac Sac! It's a custom 3D printed ball sac foregrip for Nerf guns. Keep your balls tight and your aim steady with the Tac Sac Foregrip!


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Sniper Pointed Nerf Dart Tips

These are akin to a "forbidden jutsu" in the Nerf world. These are not foam, these are hard plastic pointed tips for Nerf Darts. Ouch. I put these here to satisfy your curiosity, but never shoot these at people, people. Balloons, though..


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Fire Phoenix Dart Blaster ...

The Fire Phoenix is a Nerf gun pistol that fires half-length darts and feeds magazines in through the pistol grip. This is a "cheaper alternative" (aka knockoff) to the premium ZWQ S200 Fire Rat blaster. The benefit is it's MUCH cheaper.


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Magpul Inspired Nerf Banan...

This is the most tacti-cool magazine you can get for a Nerf gun, period. Made by Worker, designed by F10555, and styled after Magpul's PMAG, this Worker mag has a 15-dart capacity and an ammo window on the side. Nerf gun attachment gold.


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Nerf M18A1 Claymore Mine

The Nerf Claymore can be remote detonated or you can rig it up with the included trip wire and set a booby trap. Just load it with cut down Nerf darts, Rival rounds, or GelFire rounds and always make sure to face the "Front Toward Enemy!"


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Nerf AK SET Attachment Bundle

This Nerf AK Style Attachment bundle includes everything you need! An extended Nerf barrel, a folding Nerf grip, an old Super Soaker style shoulder stock, and an extended 22 foam dart banana magazine. It even includes 20 foam darts and a li...


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Nerf Maverick MAYFLY MOD

The Mayfly is a heavily modified Nerf Maverick blaster that's now semi-auto! It runs off a LiPo battery, uses Nightingale flywheels, high power LOKI motors, and is now Talon mag-fed. Yup, it fires half-length darts at 130 feet per second!


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1200 Round Nerf Prometheus...

The Nerf Rival Prometheus is a beastly full-auto Nerf gun with a big 200 round ammo reservoir. What if I told you you could increase the ammo capacity 500% and store up to 1200 high impact rounds? Over a thousand rounds. In a Nerf gun. Wow.


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Saiyan Nerf War Battle Suit

Show your Saiyan Pride at the next Nerf War by wearing this Battle Damaged Saiyan Armor. Made from lightweight EVA foam and styled like the armor Vegeta wears after the Namek Saga, this armor WILL raise your power level... OVER 9,000!


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